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1,000+ caught across Tasmania for driving offences during festive season

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Tasmania Police officers conduct a breath test / traffic operation at Cambridge. Image / Pulse

Dozens of drivers were caught behind the wheel while above the legal blood-alcohol limit during the busy Christmas and New Year period, figures from Tasmania Police reveal.

Between December 22 and January 3, police carried out 16,920 random breath tests across the state and handed out over 1,000 traffic infringement notices to motorists.


Of the notices, around 750 were for speeding offences, 73 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 93 for positive oral fluid (drug) tests and 41 for disqualified/unlicensed driving.

35 people were also caught using their mobile phones while driving and 30 for seatbelt offences.

Tasmania Police / Transport officers conduct a traffic operation at Risdon. Image / Pulse

Police Minister Felix Ellis said three lives were lost on the state’s roads during the holiday period, with eight others sustaining serious injuries.

“Our hearts go out to those hurt on our roads over the Christmas period. All road trauma is devastating but particularly so in what is for most people a time of joy and family,” he said.

Tasmania Speed Camera
‘Over is over’ speed camera. Image / Pulse

“Unfortunately, as the results from Operation Safe Arrival show, there are still far too many people taking risks and putting others in jeopardy on our roads.”

“We need people to understand the choices they are making every time they get behind the wheel or on a motorbike and that these choices can literally save lives – your own or someone else’s.”

Operation Safe Arrival state-wide traffic enforcement activities 22 Dec 2023 – 3 Jan 2024
Random drug & alcohol tests 16,920
Motorists charged with drink driving offences 73
Motorists who returned positive oral fluid (drug) tests 93
Infringement notices issued for speeding offences 754
Infringement notices issued for inattentive driving 14
Infringement notices issued for mobile phone use 35
Infringement notices issued for seat belt offences 30
Infringement notices issued for disqualified and/or unlicenced driving 41

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