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The latest figures show a response rate of 45.82% since July 10
"Climate-friendly and sustainable modes of transport" are being prioritised instead
The cuts are expected to save $35 million from the DPFEM's budget
Caltex is set to make a comeback, a decade after the demolition of a former servo
'Students across greater Hobart don't see attending the university as part of their future'
22 units for Centacare Evolve clients remain in limbo a year after being first approved
Two months have passed since Crowther was 'cut off at the ankles'
'We expect the network to act as a deterrent for criminal activity and anti-social behaviour'
Hundreds of orphaned children were buried at the New Town location in the 1800s 
The government says they have a "very clear election mandate" to keep UTAS in Sandy Bay