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Coroner finds woman likely fell asleep before crash that killed husband

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The crash occurred along the Bass Highway

A coroner has concluded that a woman likely fell asleep at the wheel just moments before crashing her car, killing her husband.

Laurence Twining, 70, died in the crash on September 29, 2023, along the Bass Highway near Devonport.


Coroner Simon Cooper said the most likely explanation, based on the evidence, was that his wife, Marlene, had dozed off while driving.

“I note in her interview with [police] she denied that was the case but to my mind there is no other rational explanation for what occurred,” he said.

“The conclusion is also consistent with the evidence of a witness at the scene whom Mrs Twining told she was tired.”

Police, Devonport. Image / Pulse

The couple were driving back from the Royal Hobart Hospital, having attended a medical appointment. Mr Twining drove the first part of the journey to Campbell Town, where his wife took over.

After passing through Devonport, the car veered off the highway, rolled onto its side, hit a rock and burst into flames.

Several bystanders rushed to help, extinguishing the fire and pulling the couple from the wreck before emergency services arrived.


Twining passed away at the scene, while his wife was taken to hospital.

The coroner noted that both had been wearing seatbelts, the weather was clear and the road surface was dry and free of hazards.

Toxicology tests confirmed Mrs Twining had no alcohol in her system and there was no evidence she was using a phone at the time.

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