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Disturbing footage puts Tasmanian greyhound property in spotlight

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Drone footage shows dogs at greyhound trainer Anthony Bullock's facility at Exeter. Image / Supplied

Animal rights activists are calling for a proper investigation into the alleged animal mistreatment and neglect at a property owned by a leading Tasmanian greyhound trainer.

Drone footage released by Animal Liberation Tasmania – labelled as “deeply disturbing” by Greens Leader Rosalie Woodruff – shows “greyhounds living in appalling conditions” at a property owned by Anthony Bullock.


A ute filled with dismembered animal carcasses was shown in the video captured by a drone, alongside what appeared to be malnourished horses and greyhounds in inadequate kennels.

Animal Liberation Tasmania spokeswoman Kristy Alger said many Greyhound’s are kept outside all night in temperates as low as -2c with no coats and inadequate protection.

“The presence of deceased pademelons and cages must be thoroughly investigated, especially given comments made by Kristie Johnston MP that whistleblowers are too afraid to come forward with evidence of live baiting in the greyhound industry,” Alger said.

Tasracing chief executive Andrew Jenkins confirmed that the Office of Racing Integrity has launched an investigation at the site in conjunction with the RSPCA.

He said Tasracing would wait for the preliminary investigation results before considering further action.

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