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Duck hunting under fire with Greens and RSPCA alarmed at ‘unnecessary and cruel’ sport

Pulse Tasmania
Image / Defend the Wild

Tasmania’s reputation for being clean and green is under threat due to the “cruel assault” that is duck hunting, The Greens say.

As the first week of the state’s annual three-month native duck season draws to a close, the party has reiterated its determination to end what they deem “needless slaughter”.


“In the 21st Century, blasting native ducks out of the sky is unnecessary and cruel. There’s absolutely no justification for this annual slaughter,” environment spokesman Vica Bayley says.

“Only a fraction of Tasmanians participate and each year, non-target and threatened species are annually killed in either in deliberate attacks or cases of mistaken identity. Some birds will die immediately, but so many will suffer a long and painful death.”

Vica Bayley. Image / Pulse

“In the midst of a climate crisis, with this island experiencing an extremely dry summer and more predicted in the years to come, the impact of deliberately reducing duck populations through shooting can’t be underestimated.”

The Greens’ stance is in line with that of the RSPCA but starkly contrasts with the views of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (SFF), who are advocating for a special extended 12-month hunting season ahead of the state election.

Image / Stock

“It is essential to emphasise that regulated duck hunting is a safe, sustainable and responsible outdoor activity,” the SFF’s Dale Marshall said last month.

“It plays a crucial role in wildlife conservation by facilitating population control and habitat preservation.”


Licensed hunters can currently take up to 10 ducks per day during the open game season.

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