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Elise Archer says she is “sick of victim survivors” in leaked text

Pulse Tasmania
Elise Archer says she is "sick of victim survivors" in leaked text. Image / Pulse

Leaked messages have revealed Elise Archer told colleagues she was “sick of victim survivors”, words the now former Attorney-General says were ‘taken out of context’.

The State Government confirmed on Saturday that it was Archer’s remarks about victim survivors that led to her resignation, comments Premier Rockliff said he was “made aware of” on Thursday afternoon.


“These remarks are unacceptable by any standard, and unequivocally fall short of the standards I expect of my Ministers,” the Premier said on Friday.

“As a consequence of this, Ms Archer is no longer a member of my Cabinet.”

Tasmanian Premier Jeremy Rockliff in State Parliament. Image / Pulse

Archer resigned over the comments, which she says came in response to a close family member, who is a victim survivor, attacking her in the media.

“That’s what was meant by my comment, as others had jumped on board to personally attack me,” she told the Mercury.

Attorney-General Elise Archer. Image / Pulse

“I have always been a huge advocate for victim survivors with all the law reform I’ve achieved and being responsible for the CoI (Commission of Inquiry).”

“These texts in isolation are so damaging when it was strictly a reference to that.”


“If they are going to keep releasing texts it only proves they wanted me out of Cabinet.”

“This has been devastating, my work was my life, but it’s clear to me the Premier and his office wanted me out.”

Archer is expected to officially resign from parliament on Monday and the Premier will seek advice on the timeline for a new Member of Parliament.

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