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Eric Abetz forced to withdraw offensive hearing remark in Tasmanian Parliament

Pulse Tasmania
Minister Eric Abetz was forced to withdraw his comments. Image / Pulse

Greens Leader Rosalie Woodruff called for a review of the parliamentary webcast this morning after a heated exchange with the Leader of the House, Eric Abetz.

Abetz accused Woodruff of having “problems with her hearing” during a debate on standing orders.


The comment came after Jacqui Lambie Network MP Rebekah Pentland called for the withdrawal of Labor Leader Dean Winter’s earlier “Liberal-Lambie experiment” remark, claiming it misrepresented the relationship.

Woodruff took personal offence to the hearing comment, leading Speaker Michelle O’Byrne to ask Abetz to withdraw it.

Greens Leader Rosalie Woodruff in Tasmanian Parliament. Image / Pulse

“We do have people who have served in this Parliament who are hearing impaired and it is offensive to use ‘not good at hearing’ as some kind of insult,” she said.

Abetz initially responded by saying “If the Honourable Member is offended”, but O’Byrne interrupted him.

Tasmanian Speaker Michelle O’Byrne. Image / Pulse

“No. I do need to say that the phrase ‘If the Honourable Member is offended’ or ‘If somebody has taken it some way’ is not a proper withdrawal,” she said.

“I’d like a withdrawal that is unconditional so we can move on to questions, please.”


Abetz eventually withdrew the comment.

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