Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) bins have begun arriving across Tasmania’s north-west ahead of the July 1st switchover to a new waste collection schedule.
The Devonport, Latrobe and Kentish councils will join the Western LGA of Waratah-Wynyard in implementing a fortnightly waste collection service for all three kerbside bins.
Alongside their FOGO bins, residents will receive a detailed information brochure on how to best use the new service in complement with their current recycling and landfill bins.
About 40% of all the general waste produced by Tasmanian households is food and garden waste.

By using all three kerbside bins correctly, North West Resource Recovery and Recycling say the majority of waste can be properly composted or recycled instead of going to landfill.
Each Council will confirm the exact cost for residents as part of their new 2024/2025 budgets.

“The FOGO initiative will have long term benefits for our community and our environment but as always there will be teething issues and some who will resent the change to current practices,” said Latrobe Council Mayor Freshney.
“FOGO is very much about the greater good and we hope and trust our community will ultimately appreciate the benefits and the intent.”
Kentish Mayor Kate Haberle said the community needs to become more aware of their responsibility to the environment.
“FOGO bins will be very instrumental in controlling the amount of waste going into landfill,” she said.