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New $500,000 pump track to be built in Launceston’s city centre

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
A concept image for the new Pump Track at Riverbend Park. Image / Supplied

Launceston’s Riverbend Park will soon feature the city’s first pump track for people on bikes, scooters and skateboards and using rollerblades.

The new $500,000 track will be located in the 900 square metre area of land between the city’s Charles Street Bridge and the Boathouse Centre.


Launceston Mayor Matthew Garwood said the council will start advertising for design and construction tenders this weekend and hopes construction will get underway in early 2024 for a targeted completion date in July.

“The pump track’s central location is close to the CBD, has nearby access to toilets and car parks, and is already a major recreational hub for Launceston and the whole State,” he said.

The site of Launceston’s future pump track near Riverbend Park. Image / Composite

“The addition of a pump track to Riverbend Park will be an awesome asset for the city, and one that is going to provide a heap fun and physical activity for people of all ages, for years to come.”

“This location has been selected following extensive investigations by officers who have examined a number of potential locations across the municipality and is just the first of what may be a few investments of this kind around the city and suburbs.”

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