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Next Tasmanian Government facing pressure to adequately ban conversion therapy

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Premier Jeremy Rockliff, Equality Tasmania's Rodney Croome. Image / Pulse

Equality Tasmania is urging the next government to ensure that the state does not fall behind in banning gay conversion practices.

The LGBTQIA+ advocacy group has previously voiced concerns about the draft legislation unveiled in December by the Liberal government that would not adequately ban conversion practices.


Equality Tasmania spokesperson Rodney Croome has suggested it contains loopholes that would allow adults to consent to the practices if they understand the risk of physical or mental harm.

He said Tasmania must follow recent laws passed in New South Wales banning the practice, alongside Victoria, the ACT and Queensland.

“We applaud the passage of the NSW law, but we fear that as conversion practitioners are forced out of the other states Tasmania will becoming a haven for these cruel and harmful practices,” Croome said.

“The NSW law highlights the deficiencies of the Tasmanian bill by comprehensively banning conversion practices, and providing for investigation and education, all of which the Tasmanian bill fails to do.”

“Tasmanians vulnerable to conversion practices need urgent and effective action on this reform from whichever party wins Government.”

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