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Release of ‘horrifying’ Tasmanian abattoir footage prompts new animal welfare taskforce

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
The footage, much of which is too graphic to show, has been labelled as "deeply concerning and completely unacceptable" by the Tasmanian Government. Image / Farm Transparency Project

The recent release of footage allegedly captured inside Tasmanian livestock processing facilities, which reveals the mistreatment of animals, has been described as “deeply concerning and completely unacceptable” by the state government.

In response, a new investigative task force has been set up to ensure the “highest standard of animal welfare” is upheld across the states livestock processing industry.


“We have acted to protect the local, national and international reputation of our vital red meat industry,” Jo Palmer, the minister responsible for primary industries said on Thursday.

“[We] will not tolerate any actions that tarnish the world-class reputation of Tasmania’s brand and its produce.”

Minster Jo Palmer said she “will not tolerate” any actions that tarnish the world-class reputation of Tasmania’s brand. Image / Pulse

“We have immediately stood up an investigative team which has already hit the ground, gathering evidence, interviewing operators and carefully reviewing all the footage,” Palmer said.

She said the taskforce will be formalised before Christmas and would include representatives from Tas Farmers, RSPCA and the meat-processing industry.

The Farm Transparency Project have confirmed they captured the footage at the Cressy plant. Image / Supplied

Two additional roles will also be added to the Biosecurity Tasmania team to “work with industry to make sure they are aware of, and comply with, their obligations”.

“We will not allow the actions of some to put at risk our brand and reputation as a world leading agricultural producer, to risk jobs and livelihoods in regional communities and to create uncertainty for our farmers.”


But Labor have been quick to call the response “completely underwhelming” and said the Government “haven’t been doing their job” in the ‘under-resourced’ regulation space.

“How is it that critically important regulatory work is only being completed now given the significant implications this could have for the state’s economy, agricultural sector and our Tasmanian brand,” Shadow Primary Industries Minister Janie Finlay questioned.

The Farm Transparency Project have confirmed they captured the footage at the Cressy plant. Image / Supplied

“It’s just not good enough and Tasmania deserves better.”

Tasmanian Quality Meats, the company at the centre of the allegations, confirmed they were “committed to upholding the highest levels of animal welfare standards and regard all matters of animal welfare with the upmost importance” following the release of the footage last week.

“We are more than willing to cooperate fully with a formal and fair investigative process into the allegations made by the animal activists,” they said.

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