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SES Tasmania fleet to be revamped with $2 million investment to replace ‘old clunkers’

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
An upgraded SES Tasmania vehicle responds to a bushfire emergency. Image / Pulse

The days of SES crews responding to emergencies at 40 km/h appear to be numbered, as new vehicles are set to join the state’s ageing fleet.

A $2 million injection earmarked for upgrading and replacing SES vehicles, some of which are over 30 years old, is expected to make a “significant difference”, according to Tasmanian SES Volunteers Association President Lance Mulligan.


“We’re travelling 40km/h up Rocky Cape Hill,” Mulligan said as he pointed to Wynyard’s primary response vehicle.

“We’ve been advocating for some funding for a number of years to assist with our vehicle replacement program.”

Wynyard’s ageing SES fleet will soon be replaced. Image / Supplied

“It’s pretty important to be that squeaky wheel at times, but it’s great that we’ve been listened to and we’re getting results.”

The funding will prioritise improved payload capacity, faster speeds and enhanced safety features, particularly for units across the north of the state.

SES Tasmania Executive Director Mick Lowe and Emergency Minister Felix Ellis. Image / Pulse

SES Tasmania Executive Director Mick Lowe said the upgrades are part of a fleet modernisation initiative aimed at providing SES volunteers with the necessary equipment to carry out their vital services.

“Some of the vehicles across the SES fleet are well over 30 years old .. and while they have suited purpose in the past, they’re just not the right vehicles for the requirements of modern emergency response,” he said.


“This announcement today of $2 million is instrumental in that modernisation of the SES fleet across the state and to making sure that our SES volunteers are supported while they’re supporting their communities.”

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