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TasCOSS demands action on housing, cost-of-living relief and health ahead of election

Pulse Tasmania
TasCOSS demands action on housing, cost-of-living relief and health ahead of election. Image / Stock

The peak body for the state’s community services industry is calling for change this election, revealing their priorities that place the well-being of Tasmanians first.

TasCOSS CEO Adrienne Picone said the status quo needs to be challenged with evidence-based policies that will make a “material difference” for people “trying desperately to stay afloat in a cost-of-living storm”.


“Tasmanians we speak to … have been regularly skipping meals, missing medical appointments and going into debt to afford rent, energy and other essentials” she said.

“[They] don’t expect the world, but what they do expect is a government that is in sync with the problems they are facing.”

“Tens of thousands of Tasmanian families have been let down by a failure to appropriately invest in addressing the drivers of poverty and inequality, which in turn has exacerbated the cost of living crisis we’re experiencing.”

TasCOSS CEO Adrienne Picone

She said the organisations six election priorities, incasing reducing homelessness, enhancing renter protections and improving affordability and public transport access across Tasmania, will offer much-needed and targeted cost-of-living relief.

Reducing energy costs, enhancing food security, closing the digital divide and ensuring timely support through investment in Tasmania’s community services industry are also priorities.

“Increased rental stress is not a new phenomenon, nor is poor access to health care or public transport. These are problems we’ve grappled with for too long and it’s time for an incoming government to take responsibility,” Picone said.


“Tasmanians don’t need band-aid measures or policy on the run, they want evidence-based solutions and policies that place the wellbeing of our people first and supports them to fully participate in our economy and community.”

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