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Tasmania Police sweep targets unsafe drivers on northern roads

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
316 random breath tests were conducted during the operation. Image / Pulse

A large-scale police operation targeting roads across northern Tasmania has resulted in the detection of dozens of traffic offences.

The Wednesday operation, involving both Tasmania Police officers and transport inspectors from the Department of State Growth, identified several road safety issues.


Officers stopped hundreds of vehicles at 12 locations across the north, including Mowbray, St Helens, Campbell Town, George Town, Exeter and Westbury.

Sergeant Benjamin Kromkamp said 316 random breath tests resulted in the detection of no drink drivers, but of eight oral fluid tests, one returned a positive result.

Tasmania Police Sergeant Benjamin Kromkamp. Image / via The Examiner

Three drivers were caught using their phones, seven unregistered vehicles and 23 speeding infringements were also detected.

Four unlicensed drivers were intercepted, as were two suspended drivers, four people not wearing seat belts and one unrestrained child.

Launceston Police Station. Image / Pulse

One provisional driver was stung for failing to display P-plates and a total of 35 defect notices were issued.

“Keeping road users safe is our priority when conducting targeted traffic operations,” Kromkamp said.


“We know that when our operations are highly visible and road users observe police conducting road safety activities, motorists are more inclined to practice safe behaviour on our roads.”

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