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Tasmania surpasses 300,000 reported covid cases, 300 deaths

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
COVID-19 testing site at MyState Bank Arena in 2021. Image / Pulse

Tasmania has now recorded over 300,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 300 deaths since December 2021.

In the past week, the 7-day statewide average of new cases has remained steady at 63, with 440 new infections reported.


The North region has reported the lowest average with 17 new cases, followed closely by the North West with 14.

The South region has seen a slightly higher average of 32 new cases per day.

The Royal Hobart Hospital Emergency Department. Image / Pulse

Of the 440 new cases in the last 7 days, 4 people required intensive care treatment while 14 were admitted to hospital.

In late May, Greens Health spokesperson Dr Rosalie Woodruff MP said covid was causing chaos in Tasmanian hospitals.

Greens MP Rosalie Woodruff on Parliament Lawns in Hobart. Image / Pulse

“Doctors, nurses and paramedics are dropping like flies with Covid infection, unable to do their life-saving work,” Woodruff said.

In parliament, she accused the State Government of not providing any “visible public health advice” to Tasmanians since July last year.


Premier and Health Minister Jeremy Rockliff responded by saying ‘personal responsibility’ was needed when it comes to managing covid, including following health advice and washing hands.

The Department of Health list the current COVID-19 risk in Tasmania as moderate.

Public Health Director Dr Mark Veitch addresses the media at a COVID press conference in Hobart. Image / Pulse

“The moderate risk category includes a wide range of situations, like recent COVID-19 waves, or a typical influenza season,” their website reads.

“During the winter season there is also increased risk from other respiratory illnesses including Influenza (flu) and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).”

They advise residents to keep up to date with vaccines, stay home and get tested for COVID-19 if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms and to wear a mask in indoor public places for 7 days after your positive test.

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