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Tasmania to ban conversion therapy by the end of the year

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
2023 TasPride LGBTQI+ parade through Hobart. Image / Moss Geordi Halliday-Hal

Conversion therapy will be banned in Tasmania by the end of the year, the State Government has announced.

Tasmanian Minister for Women Jo Palmer garnered an emotional response at Budget Estimates while expressing her support for a conversion therapy ban, saying she ‘doesn’t believe God makes mistakes’.


Rodney Croome from Equality Tasmania has welcomed the move and is eagerly awaiting the implementation of the ban.

“It will be a relief to the many supporters of a ban on conversion practices that we now have a timetable for this overdue reform,” he said.

Equality Tasmania spokesperson, Rodney Croome.

“We also welcome continued support for reform from government ministers, Elise Archer, Nic Street and Jo Palmer, and the Premier, Jeremy Rockliff, who reiterated his commitment on Tuesday.”

“Jo Palmer’s support for a ban on conversion practices, not despite her faith but because of it, will encourage other Tasmanians of faith to take a stand against practices that continue to tarnish faith communities.”

2023 TasPride LGBTQI+ parade through Hobart. Image / Moss Geordi Halliday-Hal

Mr Croome said Equality Tasmania and survivor advocates look forward to working with the Government to develop legislation and an implementation scheme.

“We remain committed to strong legislation that prohibits conversion practices whatever form they take, as well as an implementation scheme that will educate faith communities and health professionals about the trauma inflicted by these practices.”


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