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Tasracing issues notice to ban embattled Yole, Ford figures from racetracks

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Ben Yole. Image / Yole Harness Racing Stables

Tasracing has determined the reasons given by embattled racing figures as to why they should continue to be allowed to participate in the sport as ‘unsatisfactory’ and has subsequently banned them.

Ben and Tim Yole, along with harness drivers Mitchell and Nathan Ford were officially served with ‘Warning Off’ notices on Friday morning, prohibiting them from entering Tasmanian racetracks.


The group were accused of mistreating horses and improper conduct in harness races in the recent Murrihy Report.

This decision by the Tasracing Board follows last week’s Supreme Court ruling that confirmed the racing body has the authority to take such action.

“Warning Off Notices cannot be open ended in terms of time,” Tasracing CEO Andrew Jenkins said.

Tasracing CEO Andrew Jenkins. Image / Supplied

“An initial period of 45 days has been imposed pending the conclusion of investigations by an independent panel of harness racing and integrity experts to consider issues raised in the Murrihy report.”

Greens leader Rosalie Woodruff earlier this week said it was “concerning” that Tasracing has had to work so hard to try and kick certain people out of the industry.

“Clearly there’s a power issue at play here. There’s clearly, you know, powerful people exerting influence over the situation,” she said.


“It’s been far too hard given the evidence that was provided for this trainer to be stopped from racing.”

“What systems do we need to fix so that this doesn’t happen in future or in other instances where there’s evidence of failures of the Animal Welfare Act and racing regulations?”

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