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‘Anti-homeless’ rocks last just days before being removed from Hobart park

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
The Hobart City Council has placed rocks under trees to block homeless campers from St David's Park. Image / GRANT

The Hobart City Council has now removed rocks it had recently placed under large trees in Hobart’s St David’s Park due to concerns about public safety.

The council placed the rocks just days ago in an effort to protect the trees from anti-social activity, mainly fires.


“Members of the public were trying to remove them themselves, they posed a threat to public safety so the city made the decision to take them from the park,” City of Hobart Acting City Life Director Karen Abey said.

Instead, a ‘mulch and deep watering’ program will be started over the summer to help the trees recover.

The Hobart City Council has placed rocks under trees to block homeless campers from St David’s Park. Image / GRANT

Hobart council places rocks under trees to block homeless campers from St David’s Park

Members of Hobart’s homeless community have been prevented from setting up tents in St David’s Park after large rocks were placed under two trees by the council.

The Hobart City Council planted the rocks under the two 86-year-old sequoia trees to protect them, but activists from the Grassroots Action Network Tasmania (GRANT) have labeled the rocks as “hostile infrastructure” and called the council’s actions “disgraceful”.

The Hobart City Council has placed rocks under trees to block homeless campers from St David’s Park. Image / GRANT

The group say a woman who “regularly sleeps under one of the two sequoia trees” was given a 30-day ban from entering the park and had her dog “taken to the pound” last week.

“Whilst the importance of these two trees should be taken into consideration, this exclusionary approach in the weeks leading up to Christmas is disgraceful,” the organisation wrote online.


“Members of the Hobart community have sent a message to Hobart City Council by painting ‘Rocks won’t fix homelessness’ and other phrases on numerous boulders that had been placed under [the trees].”

The Hobart City Council says the woman was moved on due to “anti-social behavioural issues and damage to public property”, not because she was homeless.

“Ultimately anti-social behaviour and community safety is the issue here, not homelessness. Council do not move people on for being homeless,” City of Hobart Acting City Life Director Karen Abey said in a statement.

“Recent activities, including several fires and camping, have significantly damaged the lower canopy and caused soil compaction around the tree base.”

The Hobart City Council has placed rocks under trees to block homeless campers from St David’s Park. Image / GRANT

“Placing rocks under the canopy is a temporary measure to prevent additional widespread soil compaction.”

The council is working with Police and the Salvation Army to assist those seeking refuge in the park.

“It is noted however that there are ongoing safety issues for community members utilising the park and further action is required.”

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