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'Busy day' for rescue helicopter as multiple injured and lost walkers rescued from remote wilderness

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
The Tasmania Police Westpac Rescue Helicopter. Image / Rotorlift

Several injured and lost walkers have been plucked from various locations around the state on the first day of a ‘busy weekend’ for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter.

Police and Ambulance Tasmania crews were kept busy across Saturday morning, with the first call for help coming in from lost walkers on the Frenchmans Cap Track just before 10am.


Australian Search and Rescue alerted authorities to the group, who were later located uninjured in the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park by the rescue helicopter and transported to safety.

Shortly after, at 10:09am, another call for help came in from a walker with a lower leg injury who needed rescuing near Scotts Peak Dam in the state’s south-west.

The Tasmania Police Westpac Rescue Helicopter. Image / Rotorlift

They were airlifted to the Royal Hobart Hospital for medical treatment.

Crews were then called out just after 12pm to another injured walker on Mount Roland in the north-west.

The Tasmania Police Westpac Rescue Helicopter. Image / Rotorlift

“The walker was located by the rescue helicopter and transported to safety,” police said.

“Tasmania Police would like to take this opportunity to express how important it is, when venturing into Tasmania’s wilderness that people are equipped with emergency communication equipment.”


“Being able to call for help and have your location identified by the authorities allows rescue authorities to dispatch the appropriate resources in a timely fashion to get assistance to those who need it as soon as possible.”

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