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Lambie and Greens call for proposed Hobart stadium to be scrapped

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Jacqui Lambie. Image / Stock

Less than 48 hours after the state election, both the Tasmanian Greens and Jacqui Lambie Network (JLN) have called on the Liberals to scrap Hobart’s proposed multi-purpose Macquarie Point stadium.

Greens leader Rosalie Woodruff and the JLN’s Jacqui Lambie argue that York Park in Launceston is a more cost-effective venue for hosting the state’s new AFL team than building a new $715 million stadium.


“People were devastated that a government would choose to spend over a billion dollars on a stadium in Hobart that we don’t need,” Woodruff told ABC Radio.

Lambie says there are “more important” issues for Tasmanians, such as health, housing and education, but maintains that her elected candidates will make the final decision.

The proposed stadium at Hobart’s Macquarie Point. Image / Supplied

“We want to see transparency… My people are frothing at the mouth to go and have a look at that [AFL] contract and see what that looks like.”

She said they want to know if there is a ” better way of doing this and cheaper”.

STADIUM UPGRADES: Concept image of the proposed York Park stand from inside the arena. Image / Supplied

Launceston’s York Park is in line to receive a $130 million upgrade ahead of the team’s launch, partially funded by the Federal Government but conditional on the state keeping its AFL team.

After failing to secure a majority on Saturday night, the Liberals will be forced to negotiate with minor parties – like the Jacqui Lambie Network and independents including David O’Byrne – to form a minority government.


The AFL say a new stadium in Hobart is a requirement of the state’s AFL team.

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