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Launceston Mayor Matthew Garwood among twenty dressed up for icy FightMND plunge

Pulse Tasmania
Launceston Mayor Matthew Garwood (left) and Council CEO Shane Eberhardt (right) dress up for FightMND. Image / Supplied

Twenty staff from the City of Launceston have taken a slide into an icy pool to raise money for the Fight MND Big Freeze.

Mayor Matthew Garwood and Acting CEO Shane Eberhardt were among those at Churchill Park for the chilly challenge.


“This fundraising effort has been coordinated by our staff who are looking to use their lunch break today to support a great cause,” Garwood said.

“FightMND has a special resonance at the City of Launceston because we’ve had employees in recent years who have been directly impacted by MND.”

Launceston Council staff take the plunge for FightMND. Image / Supplied

He said that while the slide was “cold”, it’s just a “small gesture” to support the fighters battling the disease every day.

“This is a really strong message that we’re sending to the FightMND community that we are behind you.”

Launceston Mayor Matthew Harwood after taking the plunge. Image / Supplied

Acting Council CEO Eberhardt said he was proud of the staff taking part and the organisation’s support of charitable causes.

“While City of Launceston staff support a number of charitable causes and events each year, including this week’s Vinnies CEO Sleepout, FightMND is particularly meaningful for a number of our teams,” he said.


“I’m proud our organisation is so active in these areas.”

Staff dressed up as everything from Chewbacca to the Squid Game guards, raising around $3,000 for the life altering condition.

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