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Minor flood warning issued for North Esk River as SES urges residents to monitor conditions

Pulse Tasmania
The Bureau of Meteorology predicts potential flooding in the region. Image / Google

A minor flood warning has been issued for the North Esk River, with the Tasmania SES urging residents in the area to monitor conditions over the next 24 to 36 hours.

The Bureau of Meteorology predicts flooding in nearby streams and rivers is likely, with some low-lying properties potentially becoming isolated by flood waters.


“Heavy rainfall is forecast for the North Esk River catchment from late Friday to Saturday morning, with the heaviest rainfall expected early Saturday,” the Bureau said.

“River rises are likely across the catchment overnight Friday into Saturday.”

“Minor flooding may develop along the St Patricks River at Nunamara and the North Esk River at Corra Linn from early Saturday morning, based on forecast rainfall.”

SES rescue volunteers. Image / Pulse (File)

Property, livestock, equipment and crops in low-lying areas may also be at risk, while driving conditions could be dangerous.

Locations likely to be impacted include Nunamara, Blessington, White Hills, Corra Linn, Relbia, St Leonards, Norwood, Ravenswood, Mowbray and surrounds.

The SES advises residents to check their flood emergency plans and prepare to move to a safer place if conditions worsen.



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