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Repeat snake scares: Hobart man finds tiger snake curled up in bedroom

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
The snake at Mt Rumney. Image / Supplied

A Mount Rumney resident received an unexpected surprise last night while heading to bed when he discovered a tiger snake slithering around his bedroom floor.

Chris Daly from Reptile Rescue received the call-out around 10:20pm on Sunday and said it was the second time in two years a snake has been found in the same bedroom of the house.


“He opened up the bedroom door to go into bed and noticed there was a tiger snake in the bedroom,” Daly said.

Chris told Pulse it took less than 5 minutes to safely capture the snake, which was curled up underneath a computer desk, but how it got in remains a mystery.

“He’s a little bit weary of how they get in … He’s not actually 100% sure. He’s going to do some follow-up work today.”

The snake at Mt Rumney. Image / Supplied

The snake-catcher warned people that as the weather warms up, they should be wary of snakes that may look for shelter away from the sun.

“A lot of people believe that snakes are [only] active on a 30 degree day. It’s not the case. It’s too hot for snakes.”

“What they do is they’ll try to seek out a cooler area (for example, if the door’s open to somebody’s house or the garage) and then when it’s a really hot day, the snakes will actually stay under something for the day to stay cool, but then they’ll actually be active at the night time.”


Chris said he’s experienced a ‘significant increase’ in snake-related calls over the past month, sometimes receiving over 50 calls in a single day.

He urged people to keep an eye on any snakes they may find in their homes and to try to contain any found snakes by blocking off the area.

Professional snake catchers from Reptile Rescue can be contacted on 0499 116 690

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