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Southern Midlands on bushfire watch as blaze threatens rural area

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
The Stonehenge blaze on Thursday afternoon. Image / Runnymede Volunteer Fire Brigade

Updated 9:15am, Friday February 9: Hundreds of homes in the state’s Southern Midlands are without power this morning after a bushfire burned through the area overnight.

Shortly after 9am on Friday, TasNetworks reported a bushfire outage affecting 1,300 homes across Colebrook, Runnymede and Tunnack, with the number reduced to just over 500 shortly after.


An estimated restoration time has yet to be confirmed, with customers advised to check the TasNetworks website after 12pm.

“To protect safety, we’ve had to temporarily cut supply … The Tasmania Fire Service has reported a number of power poles and wires down because of bushfires in the Stonehenge area. We’ll restore power once it’s safe to do so,” TasNetworks said.

The Stonehenge blaze on Thursday afternoon. Image / Runnymede Volunteer Fire Brigade

The Tasmania Fire Service say the 22 hectare bushfire in the area of Tin Pot Marsh Road Stonehenge is “currently uncontained”.

“Firefighters and machinery are working to establish containment lines and construct access tracks in difficult to access locations,” a TFS update reads.

The Stonehenge blaze on Thursday afternoon. Image / Runnymede Volunteer Fire Brigade

“If there is any fire activity causing you concern, please report it to the Tasmania Fire Service by calling 000.”

6pm, Thursday February 8: A bushfire that is expected to be “difficult to control” is currently burning in the southern Midlands.


The Tasmania Fire Service say the blaze on Stonehenge Road at Stonehenge, southeast of Oatlands, may impact Edwards Road and TinPot Marsh Road within the next two hours.

“The fire is travelling in a south, south-westerly direction along Tinpot Marsh Road,” the TFS are warning. “Embers, smoke, and ash may fall on Edwards Road and TinPot Marsh Road, Stonehenge.”

“Conditions are expected to be changeable.”

TFS WHAT TO DO: Take action now to protect yourself, your family, and your home.

If you are not prepared for a bushfire, be ready to leave for a safer place. If you have made a bushfire plan, check it now.

If you don’t live near Edwards Road and TinPot Marsh Road, Stonehenge, stay away. For fire updates visit

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