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Tasmanian Premier commits to all recommendations in Paul Reynolds review

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Premier of Tasmania Jeremy Rockliff. Image / Pulse

The Tasmanian Government has confirmed that all recommendations from a review into the actions of former police sergeant Paul Reynolds, who groomed and sexually abused dozens of young boys over his 30-year career, will be implemented.

The review, conducted by barrister Regina Weiss and released last Thursday, included five key recommendations.


Weiss recommended Tasmania Police establish a redress scheme for victim survivors of Reynolds’ grooming and abuse and that the force takes steps towards improving trust and relationships with sport organisations and vulnerable community groups.

The review also recommended a dedicated victim management team which operates separately of the Professional Standards Unit be setup to support victims of reported police offending or misconduct and recommended Tasmania’s Integrity Commission be reformed so allegations of police officers grooming or sexually abusing people can be properly investigated.

Premier Jeremy Rockliff said the government is committed to implementing the recommendations.

Tasmania Police Commissioner Donna Adams. Image / Pulse

“The Government will now work to appropriately deliver the recommendations from the review,” Rockliff said.

“To the victim-survivors, especially those impacted by Reynolds’ appalling crimes, we thank you for your bravery.”

Tasmania Police Commissioner Donna Adams expressed full acceptance of the recommendations, noting that two of them would require government support.


“The review has made five recommendations and Tasmania Police accepts them in full,” she said.

“Whilst I support these recommendations, two will require advice to be provided to the government for consideration.”

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