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Tasmanian Premier to call election if Archer does not resign or support Govt

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Tasmanian Premier Jeremy Rockliff. Image / Pulse

Premier Jeremy Rockliff will ask the Tasmanian Governor to call a general election next week if former Attorney-General Elise Archer does not resign from Parliament, or commit to supporting the Government.

In a letter to Ms Archer, the Premier demanded she give an answer by 9am on Monday.


“On Friday, you publicly advised you would be resigning from Cabinet, the Parliament and the Party,” Rockliff wrote.

“I note that you have since stated that you are reconsidering your decision to resign from Parliament and will not provide the Government with supply and confidence.”

Former Attorney-General Elise Archer. Image / Pulse

“I would like to remind you of the circumstances under which you were elected to Parliament – as
part of the Liberal team’s platform of stable majority Government.”

“Should you choose to remain in Parliament, you have an obligation to provide my Government with a guarantee of supply and confidence.”

Tasmanian Governor Barbara Baker and Premier Jeremy Rockliff. Image / Pulse

“If you cannot provide this guarantee, then the right course is for you to do as you first said, and stand down from Parliament to make way for a Liberal.”

“I want to be clear, I will not be returning to Parliament unless either of these two actions occurs.”


“As such, I respectfully request that you advise Tasmanians of your decision by 9.00am AEDT Monday October 9, 2023.”

“All Tasmanians deserve certainty about the future of their State as soon as possible.”

The letter sent by the Premier to Ms Archer. Image / Pulse

“If I do not hear from you prior to 9.00am AEDT, Monday October 9, 2023, I will have no option other than to request the Governor dissolve the Parliament and issue writs for a General Election.”

“All Tasmanians look forward to your response.”

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