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110km/h gusts: Severe weather warning for damaging winds issued for parts of Tasmania

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100km/h gusts: Severe weather warning for damaging winds. Image / Stock

Tasmania’s far-south and the Derwent Valley are forecast to be lashed by damaging winds with gusts that could reach up to 110km/h overnight.

The Bureau of Meteorology issued the warning ahead of a strong westerly pressure gradient expected to develop over the southern half of the state early on Monday morning.


“Strong westerly winds averaging 50 to 60km/h with damaging wind gusts of around 100km/h are likely to develop over parts of the Central Plateau, Western, Upper Derwent Valley and South East districts in the early hours of Monday morning,” the BOM said.

“Elevated areas and exposed coastal parts in the far south are likely to see damaging winds averaging 60 to 70km/h with peak gusts reaching in excess of 110km/h.”

Winds are expected to ease below warning thresholds by mid-afternoon on Monday when a weak cold front will then hit the south of the state.

Strathgordon, New Norfolk, Tarraleah, Lake St Clair, Bushy Park, Geeveston, Dover and Huonville are all likely to be affected.

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