A new unmanned 24/7 fuel station could soon be coming to Upper Burnie, right across from the local Woolworths supermarket.
If approved, the development will take over the site of a dental clinic, a former daycare centre and a vacant block at the corner of Whitford and Mount Streets.
Plans show the station will feature six bowsers, allowing up to 12 vehicles to fill up at the same time.
Developers say a fuel station “compliments the area” and will bring added convenience to locals.

“This centre will provide fuel sales, which will also mean that at the same time people will be able to do grocery shopping at Woolworths and purchase alcohol at BWS,” the application reads.
A traffic assessment conducted in July predicts the station will generate around 1,000 vehicle movements daily, with peak times seeing up to 96 vehicles per hour.

“The traffic generation of the proposed development at the Whitford Street access will be approximately 500 vehicles per day, with a peak of 48 vehicles per hour,” it reads, with the same numbers expected for Mount Street access.
“The nature of the development will result in the majority of this traffic generation being ‘pass by trips’, where a vehicle already travelling on Mount Street will divert into and out of the proposed development.”
The station’s impact on noise and lighting was also assessed, with reports suggesting it will “not have an adverse effect” on nearby residents.
A 2.1m fence is included in the plans to help reduce light spill from vehicle headlights.
The proposal is open for public feedback, with comments accepted through the Burnie City Council until February 11.