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Ankle monitors that can detect alcohol being rolled out for Tasmanian offenders

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The device is fitted to an offender's ankle for monitoring. Image / Stock (Marmaduke St. John)

Smart electronic monitoring devices that can detect if their wearer has consumed alcohol are being rolled out to sentenced offenders across Tasmania.

The Alco Tag, often referred to as a ‘sobriety tag’, is similar to standard GPS monitoring devices and can be fitted to an offender’s ankle.


However, these devices go a step further by testing the wearer’s sweat through skin contact at set intervals for the presence of metabolised alcohol.

Corrections and Rehabilitation Minister Madeleine Ogilvie said the devices have been used successfully in other Australian states and internationally.

Madeleine Ogilvie. Image / Pulse

She said they will support the “effective oversight” of parole order conditions.

“This technology means the Parole Board can move forward with increased confidence about the ability to monitor compliance with parole conditions,” she said.

“This is all about increasing community safety and ensuring offenders are complying with the conditions of their parole order, such as curfews, abstaining from alcohol and other harmful substances.”

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