Biosecurity Tasmania has launched an investigation into allegations of animal welfare breaches at Huon Aquaculture’s salmon farming operations in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel.
The probe was initiated after activists released drone footage showing live salmon being disposed of in containers alongside dead fish.
In response to the footage, the RSPCA has temporarily suspended its certification of Huon Aquaculture products for two weeks while conducting its own independent investigation.
“Biosecurity Tasmania is investigating the matter in accordance with the existing process for handling animal welfare complaints,” Primary Industries Minister Jane Howlett confirmed on Tuesday.

“It’s important to let that investigation take its course.”
“When the investigation is finalised, it will be made public.”

Huon Aquaculture has acknowledged the concerning nature of the footage and has launched an internal investigation.
A company spokesperson said the practices shown in the footage do not reflect their standard animal welfare protocols.
The incident comes amid a mass mortality event which, in February alone, resulted in more than 5,500 tonnes of dead salmon being disposed of.
The deaths are being attributed to an outbreak of Piscirickettsia salmonis, a bacterial disease affecting salmon.