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Department of Health launches investigation into falsification allegations at Launceston General Hospital

Pulse Tasmania
Department of Health Secretary Kathrine Morgan-Wicks. Image / Pulse

Serious allegations of misconduct at the Launceston General Hospital will be investigated by an independent clinical expert.

During a parliamentary inquiry into ambulance ramping on Tuesday, nurse and midwife Amanda Duncan made claims of serious misconduct, including the falsification of medical certificates, against Dr Peter Renshaw.


Renshaw, the former director of medical services at the hospital, is already under investigation for other claims made against him several months ago. Findings are yet to be made against him.

Department of Health Secretary Kathrine Morgan-Wicks said work was now underway to “identify the individual patients concerned” and to “compile all relevant information across the Department’s systems”.

The Launceston General Hospital from above. Image / Supplied

“This information will then be reviewed by an independent clinical expert to determine if these cases are reportable deaths,” Wicks said.

“Following review, if any deaths are considered to be reportable deaths, they will be referred pursuant to the Coroner’s Act to all relevant authorities, including Tasmania Police if a potential breach of the law is detected.”

Peter Renshaw was the former director of medical services at the Launceston General Hospital. Image / CoI

Wicks confirmed information has already been received from one staff member regarding one patient, with a further four anonymous complaints also received.

“I would like to make this call to the public – please report to us any concerns relating to the death of a patient at the Launceston General Hospital that you believe should have been a reportable death to the Coroner,’’ she  said.


“I want to assure any family members or staff that wish to report concerns regarding a patient death and have a particular patient file reviewed – these concerns will be treated very seriously and properly investigated.”

Health Minister Guy Barnett called the allegations “extremely serious” and said a general review of all death data at the Launceston General Hospital was also underway.

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