Environmentalists are preparing for a week of protests against upgrades to Lake Pedder’s Edgar Dam, warning the project will effectively “re-dam” the iconic Tasmanian lake.
The $21 million upgrade will extend the dam’s lifespan and strengthen it against earthquakes, ensuring it can continue providing around 13% of the state’s annual energy needs.
Activists with the Restore Lake Pedder campaign believe the dam should be decommissioned instead, allowing the lake to return to its original level.
Such a drop would uncover Pedder’s unique 3 km-long pink quartzite beach, currently submerged under 15 metres of water.

“The Edgar Dam strengthening works represent an obstruction to progress, hard-fought progress, for the last 50 years from a lot of Tasmanians,” campaigner Maddie McShane said.
“This has been a global movement which sparked the international Greens movement worldwide and has inspired people everywhere with this iconic, iconic lake.”

Hydro Tasmania says the upgrades will reduce the risk of an earthquake-induced dam failure from one in ten thousand to one in a million.
While the probability of failure remains extremely low, the consequences could be catastrophic, potentially flooding the Huon River and Huonville areas, home to over 3,000 people.
McShane and fellow campaigners will spend the week urging the state government to “stop and consider the alternatives” and commission a cost-benefit analysis.
“Hydro and the government are siding with the restoration of concrete without even considering the alternatives,” McShane said.

The upgrades were approved by the federal Environment Minister last year without assessing the decommissioning option or requiring a full environmental assessment.
Work will begin on Tuesday, January 28 and continue until the middle of next year, resulting in the closure of the Edgar Dam boat ramp and campground.
Restore Lake Pedder actions will include a Protest at Hydro Tasmania’s Office on Tuesday, a Paddle for Pedder in Sandy Bay on Wednesday and a Restoring Pedder showing at State Cinema on Thursday.