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Final span of Hobart’s $786 million Bridgewater Bridge lifted into place

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The final span of the new Bridgewater Bridge being craned into position over the River Derwent. Image / Pulse

The final span of Hobart’s $786 million Bridgewater Bridge has been craned into place.

Construction on the new bridge started in October 2022. It is expected to be open to traffic later this year.


Work briefly paused after midday as dozens of construction workers gathered to witness the historic moment.

Local residents and spectators lined the Bridgewater causeway, while passing motorists slowed and honked their horns in celebration.

The final span of the new Bridgewater Bridge being craned into position over the River Derwent. Image / Pulse

The new structure will replace the aging crossing between Bridgewater and Granton over the River Derwent, including the original causeway that dates back to 1848.

The existing Bridgewater Bridge, which opened in 1946, has served the community for nearly 80 years but is reaching the end of its operational life.

The final span of the new Bridgewater Bridge being lifted into place. Image / Pulse

According to State Growth, the current bridge has become increasingly unsafe and unreliable, with mounting maintenance costs making the replacement necessary.

The new bridge will have four lanes, with two lanes in each direction and a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians.


Infrastructure Minister Kerry Vincent said the bridge will be operational by the middle of the year.

“Before the end of the year we’ll have traffic travelling across this bridge and that’s going to be exciting for everybody involved,” he said.

Infrastructure Minister Kerry Vincent. Image / Pulse

“We’ve got two to three months of solid work to go to get everything in place up on top … and then it will be open.”

“It will be at 80km an hour and then there will be a couple of months of just fine tuning of little things on either end.”


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