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4,000 Tasmanian volunteer firefighters to get additional support with new field officers

Pulse Tasmania
TFS Firefighter Development Program Manager Emma Weitnauer with Minister Felix Ellis. Image / Supplied

The Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) is on the hunt for new field officers as part of a recruitment drive that will bolster the state’s emergency response capabilities.

Police, Fire and Emergency Management Minister Felix Ellis said the additional officers will provide “boots on the ground” support for the state’s dedicated volunteers.


“The new field officers will be deployed state-wide, with one going to the north-west, one to the north and two to the south,” he said.

“The recruitment of additional field officers will support our hardworking volunteers who work tirelessly to protect our communities in times of need.”

TFS fire trucks at the Cambridge headquarters. Image / Supplied

The $1.5 million commitment was made at the state election and will see the roles advertised before the end of July.

Deputy Chief Officer Matt Lowe said the additional field officers will support volunteers in brigades and districts across the state, ensuring they have access to training, incident management and up-to-date trucks and stations.

Tasmania Fire Service Deputy Chief Officer Matt Lowe. Image / Pulse

“Currently, we have around 4,000 volunteers. They’re currently supported by nine districts,” he said.

“Within those districts are nine field officers. These field officers provide administrative support, preparedness support for bushfires and, more importantly, response assistance when these brigades respond.”


He said the field officers play a critical role in managing fire incidents.

“Once our volunteers respond, we structure up our incidents with management structure above and these field officers play an important role, but not just during the operation.”

“If we look back to 2013, 2016 and 2019 fires, there’s a huge amount of work to bring our brigades back onto line after these major fire events and field officers play an important role in that space.”

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