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Former Liberal and Hobart’s Deputy Lord Mayor join election race for Clark seat

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Parliament House, Hobart. Image / Pulse

Hobart’s Deputy Lord Mayor has entered the election race for Tasmania’s Greens in the seat of Clark.

Helen Burnet announced her candidacy on Sunday, having previously run unsuccessfully as a Greens candidate in two prior state elections in 2018 and 2010.


“I think we’ve heard loud and clear what the main issues are for the people of Tasmania,” she said.

“They are hurting. It’s the cost of living, which is a significant issue, and, of course, health, housing, public transport issues.”

Hobart’s Deputy Lord Mayor Helen Burnet. Image / Pulse

Former Liberal Speaker Sue Hickey has also thrown her hat into the ring for Clark.

“This is a unique time in Tasmania’s history to really give the parliament a shake up,” Hickey said.

Former Liberal Speaker Sue Hickey has also thrown her hat into the ring for Clark. Image / Pulse

“I think majority government has been a massive fail, what has it done except in-fighting between the two parties?”

“If we elect more independents I think we’re going to get much better diversity of views and hopefully get more things done and in a more collaborative way.”


Tasmanian Electoral Commissioner Andrew Hawkey says candidate nominations will close on Thursday, February 29th at noon, before an announcement of nominations is made on Friday, March 1st.

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