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Huon Valley Council turns lights down at public toilets at night to combat vandalism

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Urinals at Burtons Reserve stuffed with toilet paper. Image / Supplied

Cygnet has experienced a “surge” in vandalism in recent months, with graffiti, property damage and the defacing of public spaces affecting the Huon Valley town.

The Huon Valley Council says it is rolling out a range of measures to address the issue, which is becoming increasingly “costly” to manage.


Burtons Reserve has been one of the main targets, according to the council.

“Council is taking action to address this surge in vandalism and protect our community facilities,” a spokesperson said.

The aftermath of vandalism in a public toilet at Burtons Reserve. Image / Supplied

Teams are working to repair damaged infrastructure as quickly as possible to minimise closures, they added.

The council is also working closely with police, sharing security footage to help identify those responsible.

The aftermath of vandalism in a public toilet at Burtons Reserve. Image / Supplied

One of the newer approaches being trialled is reducing lighting around toilet facilities at night, a move they hope will “deter unsociable behaviour” while still keeping them open 24/7.

“Some facilities may need to close temporarily for repairs. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate the community’s patience during this time,” the spokesperson added.


“By working together, we can protect Burtons Reserve and keep it safe and accessible for everyone.”

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