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Investment in Tasmania’s visitor economy vital for economic growth, tourism council says

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Image / Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service

The cost of doing business, finding fixes to workforce challenges and addressing the rising cost of living are the key focuses for businesses this election, the Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania says.

In an ‘Election Watch’ alert to businesses, TICT CEO Amy Hills emphasised the need for continuous support and investment in the visitor economy.


“The TICT wants to see strategies presented by all sides of politics to address these critical issues and to create an environment where it’s easier to do business in this State,” she said.

“For our industry, this election will be about the vision our leaders provide for Tasmania’s tourism future … we must continue to invest.”

Tourism Industry Council Tasmania CEO Amy Hills. Image / Pulse

“We cannot afford to be complacent. Our regions and Tasmanian jobs rely on tourism. Continued investment is required in both demand generation and product innovation.”

She said investment into demand generation activities and events to ensure the state remains “front of mind in the face of fierce competition” was a key focus for the TICT, alongside initiatives to ensure the visitor economy continues to have a positive impact on the economy, community and environment.

Election watch: Investment in tourism crucial for growth, says TICT. Image / Supplied

“Ensuring we are ready to maximise the opportunity delivered by the new Spirit of Tasmania ferries [is also a focus and] product innovation aligned to our regional dispersal and positive impact goals,” she said.

Critical parks infrastructure projects will also be watched closely by the TICT.


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