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Leonardo DiCaprio urges stop to forest logging in final days of state election campaign

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Leonardo DiCaprio. Image / Supplied

Leonardo DiCaprio has weighed in on the Tasmanian election campaign, making a plea to end the logging of giant forests and wildlife habitat.

Just last month, DiCaprio called for better protection of the endangered Swift Parrot species and has now taken to Instagram to amplify his message in the days leading up to the election.


“Our planet’s last remaining ‘giants’ are in danger. The native forests of Tasmania are one of the only places on Earth where trees naturally tower over 280 feet tall,” he said.

“These giants have been logged for decades, resulting in many forest species, including the Critically Endangered Swift Parrot, being pushed to the brink of extinction.”

40,000 hectares from the 360,000-hectare ‘Wood Bank’ would be opened up under the Liberals. Image / Styx Valley forest, Bob Brown Foundation

Bob Brown from his foundation of the same name said DiCaprio’s latest plea was shared with his 60 million Instagram followers.

“This is a call from Leonardo DiCaprio’s heart for an end to the flattening and firebombing of these ancient forests and their wildlife, including the critically-endangered Swift Parrots,” Brown said.

Bob Brown

“The Rockliff government’s announcement of expanding logging into 40,000 hectares of previously protected forest has not only riled the logging industry itself but is drawing this global condemnation.”

“Rockliff is dragging Tasmania’s reputation for natural splendour through the mud and that will impact our worldwide attractiveness.”


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