The Lyell Highway between Hobart and Tasmania’s West Coast has been closed due to flood waters impacting the road.
Police say the highway is closed at the Nive River Bridge in Wayatinah, with an alternative route available via Dee.
The highway has also now been closed at Lawitta just outside New Norfolk due to flood waters rising from the river.

Other road closures across the state, as of 10am Monday, include:
* Allison Road North Motton
* Ansons Bay road – Ansons River causeway
* Boland Street Launceston – from Tamar Street to Lawrence Street
* Bridgenorth Rd from Long Plains Rd to Southbridge North Road
* Bridle Track Road, Kimberley – from Beulah Road to Kimberley Road
* Devior Road between Motor Road and the Batman Highway
* Dove Lake Road, Cradle Mountain
* Edinborough Rd Abbotsham, closed adjacent to No 100
* Elphinstone Road Cressy – approx 3 kms west of Cressy township
* Fishers Tier Road, Deddington
* Glenora Road – From Sharland Avenue, New Norfolk to Uxbridge Road, Bushy Park
* Gordon River Road – Maydena to Strathgordon
* Gordon River Road – Closed at Bushy Park between Derwent River bridge and Glenora road
* Heemskirk Road – Reece Dam to Granville Harbour
* Highland Lakes Road – closed at the two junctions with Haulage Road
* Hart Street Launceston – between Hoblers Bridge Road and Birch Avenue
* Isandula Rd – Gawler River to Wilsonia Road
* Kimberley Road at the Railton end
* Kindred Road Sprent – 3kms from intersection with Castra Road
* Lambert Street Ravenswood closed between Prossers Forest Road and Faraday Street
* Lyell Highway, both directions from Queenstown to Derwent Bridge
* Mersey Main Road closed – from Railton Road intersection to Tarleton Road intersection
* Mooreville Road Shorewell Park
* Old Vermont Road closed between Vermont Road to Henry Street
* Pelverata Road, Pelverata between Vincents Road and Umfrevilles Road
* Pieman Road, Tullah
* Punchbowl Road Punchbowl – closed from Punchbowl Reserve to Amy Road Punchbowl
* Pinnacle Road, kunanyi/Mount Wellington is closed at Bracken Lane
* Opossum Road Launceston – closed from Hobart Road to Norwood Avenue
* Richmond Road, Cambridge near the Barilla Caravan Park
* Roses Tier Road, Blessington near the Fire Station
* Sky Farm Road Claremont
* South Road Penguin
* South Riana Rd – Winduss Rd to Gunns Plains Road
* Sunnyside Road, Railton between Gambles Road and Hardwicks Road
* Waratah Road, Luina
* Wayatinah Road near the Nive River and Liapootah Power station
* West Kentish Road
* Winkleigh Road Exeter – between Crawfords Road and the West Tamar Highway