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Map mistake moves Great Australian Bight to Tasmania’s West Coast

Picture of Pulse Tasmania

Apple Maps has mistakenly moved the iconic Great Australian Bight to a small coastal town on Tasmania’s west coast, mistaking it for Macquarie Harbour!

The error has caused confusion Australians and tourists alike, who were expecting to see the Great Australian Bight in its rightful place off the southern coastline of mainland Australia.


When searching for the Great Australian Bite, Apple Maps users are taken to Macquarie Harbour near Strahan in Western Tasmania.

The mistake sent Twitter users into a frenzy over the weekend, but it is not known when the bug first appeared.

According to the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), the Great Australian Bight is defined by specific geographical limits.

The northern limit of the bight is the south coast of the Australian mainland, while the southern limit is a line connecting West Cape Howe in Australia to South West Cape in Tasmania.

The eastern limit is a line extending from Cape Otway in Victoria to King Island and then to Cape Grim, the northwest extreme of Tasmania.

Apple has not responded to Pulse’s request for comment.


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