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‘Massive’ 600 hectare solar farm approved in Tasmania’s Northern Midlands

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A solar farm. Image / Stock

Tasmania’s biggest ever solar project, strong enough to power a quarter of the state’s homes, has been approved by the Northern Midlands Council overnight.

670,000 solar panels will be installed at Connorville Station in Cressy, producing 288 megawatts of renewable energy.


State Energy Minister Nick Duigan said it’s another big step in growing Tasmanian’s renewable energy resource.

“This is another exciting step in ensuring Tasmania reaches its target of doubling our renewable energy production by 2040,” he said.

The family who owns the land see renewable energy as their chance to make a mark on the planet and ensure the longevity of their grazing enterprise.

They plan to collaborate with developers TasRex to build the solar project alongside the farm’s existing 22,000-strong sheep flock.

TasRex has a broader goal of having up to 5 gigawatts of renewable energy, including solar, wind, and battery projects.

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