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Meander Valley Council outraged after vandals damage graves at Deloraine Cemetery

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Meander Valley Council outraged after vandals damage graves at Deloraine Cemetery. Image / Supplied

The Meander Valley Council has slammed vandals who damaged “a small number” of graves at the Deloraine General Cemetery.

In a message posted to social media, the council described the “unacceptable” vandalism as “disrespectful and deplorable” and vowed to track down the perpetrators.


“Meander Valley Council strongly opposes such vandalism of public property, especially in places such as our cemeteries,” the council said.

“To the families affected by this appalling act, we extend our heartfelt sympathies, recognising the pain this senseless vandalism has caused.”

The council spokesperson said they would continue to monitor the situation and work with police “to apprehend those responsible”.

“We are committed to ensuring the preservation of our cemeteries and individuals found damaging property will face appropriate consequences,” they said.

“Our cemeteries deserve the utmost respect and we are committed to ensuring they remain safe and undisturbed.”

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