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Millions committed to tackling domestic violence in Tasmania

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
A crowd gathers for a vigil in memory of victims of family violence on Parliament Lawns in Hobart. Image / Pulse

A new five-year investment of $15.7 million that will strengthen Tasmania’s frontline response to family, domestic and sexual violence has been announced.

The funding, which comes into effect in July, is part of a renewed national agreement that will deliver $700 million for specialist violence services across Australia.


These services will support women and children affected by violence and fund programs aimed at positively changing men’s behaviour.

The state and federal governments will each contribute $7.85 million towards the initiative.

Federal Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth said the partnership reflects a strong commitment to ending gender-based violence.

“Added assistance on the frontlines of the fight against family, domestic and sexual violence will not only improve lives, but save them,” she said.

Tasmanian Minister for Women and the Prevention of Family Violence Jo Palmer said the funding will help meet the needs of victim-survivors.

“All Tasmanians should not only feel safe in their communities and their homes, they should be safe,” she said.


“This additional investment will help ensure essential services and programs can be delivered across the state.”

Safe at Home Family Violence Response and Referral Line: 1800 633 937

Statewide Sexual Assault Support Service: 1800 697 877

1800RESPECT National sexual assault, domestic, family violence counselling service: 1800 737 732


Men’s Referral Service: 1300 766 491

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