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Planning Minister mocks council with bike lane jab after Mt Wellington zip-line rejection

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Minister mocks council with bike lane jab after zip-line rejection. Image / Felix Ellis

Planning Minister Felix Ellis has publicly ridiculed the Hobart City Council after councillors voted against a proposed zip-line on kunanyi/Mt Wellington.

The tourist attraction had received an approval recommendation from expert council planners, who determined it met the planning scheme, but was voted down by six councillors.


Taking a swipe on social media, Ellis shared an image of a bike lane on the snow-covered mountain, suggesting that bike lanes were the council’s only priority.

“The only thing that we’re going to get Hobart Council to support on Mount Wellington…” he said.

Planning Minister Felix Ellis isn’t happy with the Hobart City Council’s decision on the zip-line. Image / Pulse

Shortly after the decision, Ellis labelled the rejection by “the usual suspects” as “just ridiculous”.

“Another example of the Greens, who have made their name from gaming planning laws to stop development, flaunting expert planning advice when it’s in their political interest,” he wrote.

Councillor Ben Lohberger hit back at Ellis’ criticism, declaring the state government “not fit to govern”.

“Parliament is sitting right now, the state is facing a fiscal black hole and the Liberals are focused on making fake pictures in search of cheap laughs,” he wrote on X.


Councillors Lohberger, Bill Harvey, Mike Dutta, Zelinda Sherlock, Gemma Kitsos and Ryan Posselt voted against the development.

Only councillors Louise Elliott, Louise Bloomfield, Marti Zucco and John Kelly supported the zip-line. Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds and councillor Will Coats were not at the meeting.

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