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Miriam Beswick and Rebekah Pentland back plan to house refugees on new Spirit of Tasmania ferry

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Spirit of Tasmania IV is currently docked at the Port of Leith in Scotland. Image / Howard Harrison

Reported plans to use the first new Spirit of Tasmania ferry as a temporary floating refugee camp have received support from Northern independents Miriam Beswick and Rebekah Pentland.

The Scottish Government is reportedly in negotiations with the Tasmanian Government’s ferry operator TT-Line to utilise the vessel currently docked at Leith to house Ukrainian refugees.


Beswick said while the rumoured proposal was “unexpected”, she believes it “shouldn’t be dismissed” and has requested a briefing from the state government about the specifics.

“This may be an opportunity to show the world how compassionate Tasmanians are,” Beswick said.

Miriam Beswick in Parliament. Image / Pulse

“Helping others in their time of need could create a meaningful legacy for Spirit IV.”

Tasmania has a history of welcoming refugees, Beswick said, pointing to the late 1990s when the state embraced refugees from Kosovo.

Spirit of Tasmania IV remains in Scotland amid lease negotiations. Image / Bryan Wood

They were not housed on a ferry but in wooden barracks in Brighton during a cold Tasmanian winter.

“I would urge Tasmanians to consider helping Ukrainian refugees with the same compassion,” she said.


Pentland suggested a leasing arrangement with the Scottish Government could be financially prudent.

“If the agreement makes humanitarian and financial sense it should be properly considered,” she said.

Independent Bass MP Rebekah Pentland

“I understand some Tasmanians will be uncomfortable with the idea, but I would urge us all to consider the families fleeing conflict. It’s easy to play politics but doing what’s right is more important.”

The proposal has faced opposition from Lambie Network MP Andrew Jenner, who yesterday called for the state government to put Tasmanians first.


Labor leader Dean Winter has also criticised the idea, insisting that Spirit IV must be returned to Tasmania while it is still brand new.

According to previous government statements, a decision on any leasing agreement is expected by the end of February – today.

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