Planners at Clarence City Council have recommended the green light be given to a new $5 million ferry terminal at Bellerive.
The new terminal will feature a range of improvements, including enhanced accessibility, an indoor waiting area and seating.
It will also include secure bike storage options and be designed to accommodate two ferries to berth simultaneously.
The current terminal is basic and offers little more than a bus stop experience, with only a small covered concrete area.

A total of two submissions were received during the public consultation period, both expressing concerns about the security of bicycle parking.
The pair said the proposed secure bicycle parking docks should instead be replaced with bike parking cages activated by swipe card or app.

Council’s planning officers have recommended approval of the application, subject to several conditions, including the development of an environmental management plan that addresses the potential impact on handfish.
“A handfish clearance dive should be conducted immediately prior to commencement of piling construction works,” planning documents read.
“If any handfish individuals or eggs are observed during clearance dives, work should be halted until further assessment is completed.”
Councillors will have the final say, with the application to be discussed at the council’s next meeting on Monday night.