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Plug pulled on Rewind Cinema as venue challenges force closure—for now

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Graziano Di Martino. Image / Supplied

Hobart’s independent retro Rewind Cinema has shut its doors after facing challenges with its venue.

Founder Graziano Di Martino broke the news with a “heavy heart” on social media.


“I could not continue to operate out of the venue it started in any longer,” he wrote.

Rewind Cinema first opened in 2022 at the Kickstart Arts complex in St Johns Park, New Town.

The cinema’s programming often featured a diverse mix of titles, from obscure arthouse gems to popular blockbusters from decades past.

Plug pulled on Rewind Cinema as venue challenges force closure—for now. Image / Supplied

“Starting Rewind was an unexpected whim that took off and became something I could never have dreamed of,” Di Martino said.

“To the Rewind community I say thank you. Words cannot express the emotions, joy and energy that you brought to this little independent cinema. I am grateful to have met every single one of you and shared in the fun of old school movies.”

Despite the closure, Di Martino hinted at a possible comeback.


He said he has potentially “found a new location”, acknowledging that it is still in the early stages and may not come to fruition.

“This is a pause,” he said. “I am on the lookout for a new venue. If anyone has any ideas please get in touch.”

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