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Richmond throws history parade for 200 years of small Tasmanian town

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Richmond throws history parade for 200 years of small Tasmanian town

Hundreds have hit the streets of Richmond to turn back time in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the historic Richmond Bridge foundation stone being laid this weekend.

Locals dusted off vintage cars, period gowns and other displays for the Richmond Bicentenary event, celebrating Australia’s oldest bridge.


Over 70 events, exhibits and festivals will be held in the small Tasmanian town during the four-month-long program, running over the next few weekends and into March of next year.

“Richmond is the jewel in the crown and Clarence and it’s one of the most visited villages throughout the state and indeed through the country,” Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley says.

Richmond throws history parade for 200 years of small Tasmanian town

“There are many long-standing families in the area and some fascinating stories to be told of the people, buildings, agriculture and industry of Richmond and the surrounding area.”

Future events still to come include a collectors roadshow, convict family reunions, an open house event and a village fair.

Richmond throws history parade for 200 years of small Tasmanian town

Richmond Bicentenary Event Calendar

Weekend 1, 8-11 December 2023 | Bicentenary Launch

Commemorate the 200th anniversary since the laying of the foundation stone of Australia’s oldest surviving large stone arch bridge, the Richmond Bridge. Street parade and official launch, plus vehicle displays, music, and exhibitions.


Weekend 2, 18-22 January 2024 | Richmond History Festival

Talks, exhibitions, Collectors’ Roadshow (21 January 2024), guided tours and events focused on Richmond and the Coal River Valley and its role in Tasmanian development.

Weekend 3, 10-11 February | Heritage Farming Expo

Experience traditional farming demonstrations and displays and the contribution of convict farm labourers. Presented with Hobart Vintage Machinery Society.

Weekend 3, 10-12 February 2024 | Convict Muster

Explore convict ancestry with keynote speakers, convict history-themed talks and music 10-12 February.

Weekend 4, 23-27 February 2024 | Bicentenary of Town Proclamation

Open House Richmond, presented with the Australian Institute of Architects, offers unprecedented access to more than thirty properties. Explore Richmond’s diverse architecture along with special events, walks and talks and exhibitions.

Weekend 5, 8-11 March 2024 | Fruits of the Valley

Celebrate the 2024 harvest at the Richmond Village Fair. A celebratory Street Party for local residents will conclude the festivities.

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