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RSL Tasmania seeks stand naming rights, veteran jobs to address Macquarie Point stadium concerns

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
RSL CEO John Hardy outlined proposals in an email to Guy Barnett's office. Image / Supplied

RSL Tasmania has proposed a wish list of requests to the state government in a bid to mitigate its concerns over the proposed Macquarie Point stadium, should it go ahead.

The RSL, which strongly opposes the stadium build, has suggested several additions to the project to address its worries about the stadium’s height and the potential obstruction of views from the Hobart Cenotaph.


According to Right to Information documents published by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, RSL chief executive John Hardy sent an email to former MP-turned-veterans’ affairs adviser to Minister Guy Barnett, Dean Young, outlining the proposals.

In the email, Hardy suggests the RSL be given naming rights for select stadium stands and veteran-led businesses “priority in regard to food services and other soft services” at the venue.

RSL Tasmania CEO John Hardy. Image / ABC (Luke Bowden)

He also proposes utilising “veteran employment” for the stadium’s construction, providing housing for veterans and offering reduced entry rates for veterans and their families.

Hardy further suggested building an RSL Museum on-site, recognising veterans and their service at the start of every event and directing all ANZAC Day profits back into veteran services.

The heritage-listed Goods Shed will be moved to make way for the Macquarie Point stadium. Image / Supplied

“I am sure there will be others, but as you can see are requests are based around commemoration, mateship and financing and delivering much needed Veteran Services which Tasmania is in much need of,” he wrote.

The RSL’s opposition to the stadium stems from concerns that the structure could ‘destroy and desecrate’ sightlines from the Cenotaph and obstruct views towards Battery Point and Derwent River.


A state government spokesperson said they remain committed to working with the RSL and the wider veteran community to ensure the development respects veterans.

During a budget estimates hearing on Tuesday, Veterans’ Affairs Minister Guy Barnett acknowledged the ongoing discussions between himself, Premier Jeremy Rockliff and the RSL.

Minister Guy Barnett is working through the development with the RSL. Image / Pulse

“With respect to Macquarie Point Development Corporation, we will be establishing a working group that will provide engagement and feedback in the process as it goes forward,” he said.

“Both the Premier and I visited with RSL Tasmania, the president and the CEO, the site at the Cenotaph and we talked about the plans for Macquarie Point.”

“We got feedback from RSL Tasmania, so the Premier is very well aware of the views of RSL Tasmania as am I and others.”

“Indeed, there are mixed views in the community and in the veteran community more broadly but, yes, those views have been taken on board in the development application and meaningful engagement will continue.”

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