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Tasman Highway speed limit to drop between St Helens and Scamander

Picture of Pulse Tasmania
Speed limits will change north of Scamander. Image / Pulse

Speed limits will be reduced between the east coast towns of St Helens and Scamander in the coming weeks as authorities look to make the road ‘safer and less confusing’.

The current 100km/h speed limit for a 9km stretch of the Tasman Highway between St Helens and Beaumaris will be adjusted to 90km/h, while the speed limit along the 2.6km main street in Beaumaris will be lowered by 10km/h to 70km/h.


1.3km of the Tasman Highway between Beaumaris and Scamander will also drop from 100km/h to 80km/h.

The Commissioner for Transport says these adjustments will have a “minimal impact on travel times” while improving safety for road users, pedestrians and residents.

‘New speed limit ahead’ sign. Image / Pulse

“The crash history, the narrow and winding nature of sections of the road and the likelihood of pedestrians crossing the road to access the beach were key factors in the decision to lower the speed limits,” they said.

“A review found reducing the speed limit would improve overall safety, create a more consistent speed limit that reduces driver confusion and was consistent with broader plans to improve the driving experience for both locals and tourists.”

The speed limit changes initiated by the Break O’Day Council will be enforced once signage on the road has been updated in mid-April.

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